Suffering from Lower Back Pain?
Another common complaint I get from clients is discomfort in the lower back. Whether you sit or stand for long periods, these points might be helpful in preventing or eliminating your pain.
1. If your job includes a lot of time sitting/standing in the same position, be sure to take frequent breaks. Get up and walk around for a few minutes stretching out those stiff muscles as you move.
2. Proper foot wear is essential for a healthy back. Wearing shoes that don’t provide the proper support can exacerbate back problems. Unfortunately, for you ladies, those high heel shoes are not doing your body any favours. Make sure you’re wearing good shoes and remember to replace them when needed.
3. Proper Lifting techniques. Every time you lift improperly you are putting your back at risk for a strain. Here is a link that will help you learn how to lift correctly.
4. Maintain a healthy body weight. Excessive weight (especially around the mid-section) can pull the pelvis forward, putting extra stress on the lower back.
5. Muscle imbalances are most likely a contributing factor. There are several imbalances that can occur. Many people now-a-days spend hours at a time sitting at work, in a car, or at home, this can cause overactive hip flexors and weak glute muscles (hip extensors). Weak core muscles are also very common. Your core consists of a number of different
muscles in your torso that are responsible for stability. While most people focus on strengthening their “abs” to get the six pack look, the muscles that are usually weak are much deeper and require different exercises. Talk to a health care professional and they will help determine what muscles might be causing you trouble.
6. Like neck discomfort, lower back pain can be associated with poor posture. Your low back has a natural curve, however; over years with poor posture some people loose this curve or develop an excessive one. With good posture you should be able to draw a vertical line through your ear, shoulder, hip, knee and ankle. When sitting for long periods of time try to use an ergonomic chair that provides lumbar support. When trying to break old posture habits, you need to be constantly reminding yourself and adjusting. With time you will re-train the muscles and the correct posture will feel natural.
7. Avoid sleeping on your stomach. Stomach sleeping puts your lumbar spine into excessive extension for long periods of time, increasing the likelihood of low back pain.
Low back pain can become quite debilitating and long lasting. If you’re starting to feel some discomfort developing in this area, be sure to take action and you might be able to prevent some serious pain.
There are some cases when lower back pain may be caused by something more serious, such as disc degeneration or herniation, sciatic nerve irritation, kidney issues or more. If your pain persists or becomes worse please see your medical doctor.
The Foundation for a Healthy Body is Water, Sleep, Diet, Exercise and Stress Management