What is Causing My Muscle Achiness and Stiffness?
One of the most common questions I am asked by clients is “What is causing my muscle achiness and stiffness.” Here are common causes of muscle tension:
Lack of exercise
Lack of sleep
Poor posture
Poor nutrition
Poor work environment
Task repetition
Lack of movement (especially neck and shoulders with computer work)
Lack of stretching
Previous muscle injury
- Lack of job satisfaction
- Lack of support from others (family, friends or coworkers)
- Personal drive to excel
- And the list goes on...
Although we can’t necessarily control all of the factors that contribute to the development of muscle tension, we can do our best to minimize what is within our control. Be sure to take the time to look after yourself. :)
The Foundation for a Healthy Body is Water, Sleep, Diet, Exercise and Stress Management